Flor Mostaza

Crossover – Alternative – NuMetal

2000/02 – Re-Established 2021
Guitarist/Backing Vocalist

Bandmates 2000/01:

Adrián Sunier – Vocals

Alejandro Russo – Bass

Pablo Russo – Drums

Bandmates 2001/02:

Alejandro Russo – Vocals

Pablo Russo – Drums

Nakyo Farias – Bass

Actual Bandmates:

Adrián Sunier – Vocals

Lea Butto – Drums

Nakyo Farias – Bass

Manuel Branca – Bass

Micronomade – Bass



If there’s a band that marked my career as a young musician it was, without any doubt, Flor Mostaza. I can spend hours and hours writing about what we did together. Even before I joined the band, I was a very good friend of the members and shared a lot of gigs, stories and travels with them. I used to play or sing a few songs with them from time to time. So… I’ll try to be brief


The band was formed in 1996 although the members were playing together long before that, since 1992. When I joined the band in 1999 they already had 2 albums released: Tu Elección (1997) and Tres Efes (1998); they also played on a few major cities of Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay, and released a video clip which had a decent rotation on Much Music and MTV. Video on which I’m in as an extra, by the way.





My first full show with Flor Mostaza was in April, 2000 in Corrientes City, Argentina. That year we also played live on Much Music and did a few shows in Argentina and Uruguay until Adrián, the singer, leave the band due personal issues.





In January, 2001, Nakyo joined us to play the bass and Alejandro took the microphone. By the end of February we recorded a single called U’r Sencillo por Dentro and started a long tour through all over Argentina. Once the tour was ended, around June, we recorded a 4 tracks EP called flor MOSH taXa and started a new tour, this time around Brazil and Uruguay.





When we came back from that tour around November, we did a live show in our home town, and a few days after that we played in a near city. That show was, without we were aware of, our last live show together.


In February, 2002. The drummer (Pablo), the singer (Ale) and I, migrate to Spain with the idea of ​​continue with the band there. Nakyo was supposed to travel afterwards. But when we arrive to Spain, everything changed and after one year of disagreements, discord and nonconformity, I returned to Argentina. That was the end of the group.


In 2004, with Adrián and a few friends, we did a kind of tribute live show. Manuel Branca, former bass player and founder of the band,  also played a few song with us in that gig.





We composed a couple of very good songs that were never recorded. Throughout the years, since then, I tried a few times along with Adrian and Nakyo, to make something with them without succeed. In 2021 I sent five of these song to Jahred, the singer of (həd) p.e., and he selected four of them to make the lyrics and record vocals. Three of those songs were included in the album Califas Worldwide released by (həd) p.e. in February of 2022.


In 2021, 20 years after our last official live show, along another four former members that the band had through the years, we decided to play again and we did a live show together. We don´t know if we’ll play live again or if we’ll record some new songs in the future, but we stay in touch and we do some rehearsals from time to time.


FLOR MOSTAZA – LA CALOR (Live Session 10.09.21)